
1:22:17 - imainleesin
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
imainleesin commented: "common PAL victory"
imainleesin confirmed their time - 1:22:17
SlySwooper finished the race - 1:28:42
SlySwooper22 | 1:27:38 | 98%
SlySwooper23 (death route perhaps) | 1:25:33 | 95%
SlySwooper24 | 1:22:26 | 92%
imainleesin finished the race - 1:22:17
imainleesinRock It | 1:21:36 | 99%
SlySwooper25 | 1:20:12 | 90%
imainleesinNight Fight | 1:19:45 | 97%
imainleesinPack Attack | 1:17:18 | 93%
SlySwooper21 (death route) | 1:16:03 | 85%
imainleesinSpaced Out | 1:15:27 | 91%
SlySwoopern. gin | 1:12:45 | 81%
imainleesinPiston It Away | 1:11:49 | 85%
SlySwooper20 (purple gem) | 1:11:01 | 78%
imainleesinN.Gin | 1:08:31 | 80%
SlySwooper18 (at least 69+death route) | 1:08:16 | 75%
imainleesinBee-Having | 1:06:43 | 78%
imainleesinCold Hard Crash | 1:04:03 | 74%
SlySwooper27 | 1:03:40 | 69%
SlySwooper17 (death route+secret exit) | 1:01:12 | 66%
imainleesinTotally Fly | 59:37 | 69%
imainleesinDiggin' It | 56:56 | 67%
SlySwooper16 (secret exit) | 56:50 | 61%
SlySwooper19 | 53:29 | 56%
imainleesinHangin' Out | 52:50 | 60%
SlySwoopertiny | 49:59 | 52%
imainleesinRuination | 50:04 | 57%
SlySwooper7 | 48:38 | 51%
imainleesinTiny | 47:01 | 53%
SlySwooper13 (secret exit) | 46:05 | 48%
imainleesinAir Crash (2) | 45:40 | 52%
SlySwooper26 | 44:12 | 46%
SlySwooper15 (secret exit) | 42:16 | 44%
SlySwooper12 | 38:28 | 40%
SlySwooper14 (death route first) | 35:44 | 37%
SlySwooper11 (yellow gem+bouns death abuse) | 33:08 | 34%
SlySwooperkomodo bros | 30:36 | 31%
SlySwooper7 (death route+secret exit) | 28:50 | 29%
SlySwooper6 | 27:03 | 27%
imainleesinKomodo Bros. | 26:10 | 29%
imainleesinAir Crash (1) | 26:10 | 29%
imainleesinSnow Biz | 24:48 | 28%
SlySwooper10 (green gem) | 23:41 | 24%
imainleesinThe Eeel Deal | 21:39 | 24%


Top Ratings
1553 - SlySwooper
1549 - Stuart0000
1543 - Potty
Top Times This Month
PB - 1:21:301537+37Done

"common PAL victory"
PB - 1:25:541463-37Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
imainleesin commented: "common PAL victory"
imainleesin confirmed their time - 1:22:17
SlySwooper finished the race - 1:28:42
SlySwooper22 | 1:27:38 | 98%
SlySwooper23 (death route perhaps) | 1:25:33 | 95%
SlySwooper24 | 1:22:26 | 92%
imainleesin finished the race - 1:22:17
imainleesinRock It | 1:21:36 | 99%
SlySwooper25 | 1:20:12 | 90%
imainleesinNight Fight | 1:19:45 | 97%
imainleesinPack Attack | 1:17:18 | 93%
SlySwooper21 (death route) | 1:16:03 | 85%
imainleesinSpaced Out | 1:15:27 | 91%
SlySwoopern. gin | 1:12:45 | 81%
imainleesinPiston It Away | 1:11:49 | 85%
SlySwooper20 (purple gem) | 1:11:01 | 78%
imainleesinN.Gin | 1:08:31 | 80%
SlySwooper18 (at least 69+death route) | 1:08:16 | 75%
imainleesinBee-Having | 1:06:43 | 78%
imainleesinCold Hard Crash | 1:04:03 | 74%
SlySwooper27 | 1:03:40 | 69%
SlySwooper17 (death route+secret exit) | 1:01:12 | 66%
imainleesinTotally Fly | 59:37 | 69%
imainleesinDiggin' It | 56:56 | 67%
SlySwooper16 (secret exit) | 56:50 | 61%
SlySwooper19 | 53:29 | 56%
imainleesinHangin' Out | 52:50 | 60%
SlySwoopertiny | 49:59 | 52%
imainleesinRuination | 50:04 | 57%
SlySwooper7 | 48:38 | 51%
imainleesinTiny | 47:01 | 53%
SlySwooper13 (secret exit) | 46:05 | 48%
imainleesinAir Crash (2) | 45:40 | 52%
SlySwooper26 | 44:12 | 46%
SlySwooper15 (secret exit) | 42:16 | 44%
SlySwooper12 | 38:28 | 40%
SlySwooper14 (death route first) | 35:44 | 37%
SlySwooper11 (yellow gem+bouns death abuse) | 33:08 | 34%
SlySwooperkomodo bros | 30:36 | 31%
SlySwooper7 (death route+secret exit) | 28:50 | 29%
SlySwooper6 | 27:03 | 27%
imainleesinKomodo Bros. | 26:10 | 29%
imainleesinAir Crash (1) | 26:10 | 29%
imainleesinSnow Biz | 24:48 | 28%
SlySwooper10 (green gem) | 23:41 | 24%
imainleesinThe Eeel Deal | 21:39 | 24%


Top Ratings
1553 - SlySwooper
1549 - Stuart0000
1543 - Potty
Top Times This Month