
Week 2 Rung 2

2:24:04 - Scynor_
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
ejpman finished the race - 2:30:40
core_competence: not 01`?
Scynor_ confirmed their time - 2:24:04
Scynor_ finished the race - 2:34:07
ejpmanCCT | 2:24:30 | 96%
ejpmanDagobah | 2:20:41 | 94%
ejpmanFalcon Flight | 2:14:53 | 90%
ejpmanEcho Base | 2:10:49 | 88%
ejpmanHoth Battle | 2:06:57 | 85%
ejpmanDarth Vader | 2:00:43 | 81%
ejpmanRuin | 1:58:21 | 79%
ejpmanKashyyyk | 1:55:49 | 77%
ejpmanGrevious | 1:51:49 | 75%
ejpmanChancellor | 1:50:27 | 74%
ejpmanCoruscant | 1:46:04 | 71%
Herasmie abandoned the race
Herasmie6.6: Into the Death Star | 1:42:00 | 68%
ejpmanITDS | 1:41:35 | 68%
Herasmie6.5: Jedi Destiny | 1:36:33 | 64%
ejpmanJedi Destiny | 1:36:25 | 64%
Herasmie6.4: Battle of Endor | 1:33:58 | 63%
ejpmanEndor | 1:33:55 | 62%
Herasmie6.3: Speeder Showdown | 1:27:22 | 58%
ejpmanSpeeder | 1:26:21 | 58%
Herasmie6.2: Pit of Carkoon | 1:24:21 | 56%
ejpmanCarkoon | 1:23:29 | 56%
HerasmieFF 6.1: Jabba's Palace | 1:18:57 | 53%
ejpmanJabba's | 1:18:32 | 52%
Herasmie4.6: Rebel Attack | 1:12:48 | 49%
HerasmieFF 6.1: Jabba's Palace | 1:12:30 | 48%
ejpmanRebel Attack | 1:12:18 | 48%
Herasmie4.6: Rebel Attack | 1:12:07 | 48%
ejpmanDSE | 1:07:47 | 45%
Herasmie4.5: Death Star Escape | 1:07:28 | 45%
ejpmanPrincess | 1:03:18 | 42%
Herasmie4.4: Rescue the Princess | 1:02:53 | 42%
ejpmanSpaceport | 59:21 | 39%
Herasmie4.3: Mos Eisley Spaceport | 58:57 | 39%
ejpmanJundland | 55:32 | 37%
Herasmie4.2: Jundland Wastes | 55:13 | 37%
ejpmanSecret Plans | 50:37 | 34%
HerasmieEBB 4.1: Secret Plans | 49:17 | 33%
ejpmanDooku | 44:09 | 29%
Herasmie2.6: Count Dooku | 42:45 | 29%
ejpmanGunship | 41:46 | 28%
Herasmie2.5: Gunship Cavalry | 40:22 | 27%


Top Ratings
1576 - itsjared97
1547 - thenzota
Top Times This Month
PB - 2:24:001500Done

PB - 2:26:561449Done

PB - 2:29:011500DNF

Abandoned - 1:51:57
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
ejpman finished the race - 2:30:40
core_competence: not 01`?
Scynor_ confirmed their time - 2:24:04
Scynor_ finished the race - 2:34:07
ejpmanCCT | 2:24:30 | 96%
ejpmanDagobah | 2:20:41 | 94%
ejpmanFalcon Flight | 2:14:53 | 90%
ejpmanEcho Base | 2:10:49 | 88%
ejpmanHoth Battle | 2:06:57 | 85%
ejpmanDarth Vader | 2:00:43 | 81%
ejpmanRuin | 1:58:21 | 79%
ejpmanKashyyyk | 1:55:49 | 77%
ejpmanGrevious | 1:51:49 | 75%
ejpmanChancellor | 1:50:27 | 74%
ejpmanCoruscant | 1:46:04 | 71%
Herasmie abandoned the race
Herasmie6.6: Into the Death Star | 1:42:00 | 68%
ejpmanITDS | 1:41:35 | 68%
Herasmie6.5: Jedi Destiny | 1:36:33 | 64%
ejpmanJedi Destiny | 1:36:25 | 64%
Herasmie6.4: Battle of Endor | 1:33:58 | 63%
ejpmanEndor | 1:33:55 | 62%
Herasmie6.3: Speeder Showdown | 1:27:22 | 58%
ejpmanSpeeder | 1:26:21 | 58%
Herasmie6.2: Pit of Carkoon | 1:24:21 | 56%
ejpmanCarkoon | 1:23:29 | 56%
HerasmieFF 6.1: Jabba's Palace | 1:18:57 | 53%
ejpmanJabba's | 1:18:32 | 52%
Herasmie4.6: Rebel Attack | 1:12:48 | 49%
HerasmieFF 6.1: Jabba's Palace | 1:12:30 | 48%
ejpmanRebel Attack | 1:12:18 | 48%
Herasmie4.6: Rebel Attack | 1:12:07 | 48%
ejpmanDSE | 1:07:47 | 45%
Herasmie4.5: Death Star Escape | 1:07:28 | 45%
ejpmanPrincess | 1:03:18 | 42%
Herasmie4.4: Rescue the Princess | 1:02:53 | 42%
ejpmanSpaceport | 59:21 | 39%
Herasmie4.3: Mos Eisley Spaceport | 58:57 | 39%
ejpmanJundland | 55:32 | 37%
Herasmie4.2: Jundland Wastes | 55:13 | 37%
ejpmanSecret Plans | 50:37 | 34%
HerasmieEBB 4.1: Secret Plans | 49:17 | 33%
ejpmanDooku | 44:09 | 29%
Herasmie2.6: Count Dooku | 42:45 | 29%
ejpmanGunship | 41:46 | 28%
Herasmie2.5: Gunship Cavalry | 40:22 | 27%


Top Ratings
1576 - itsjared97
1547 - thenzota
Top Times This Month