Any% (no boost)

holden vs shookie

29:07 - holdenpnw
Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
shookieTea confirmed their time - 31:09
shookieTea finished the race - 31:09
holdenpnw confirmed their time - 29:07
holdenpnw finished the race - 29:07
shookieTeaMAS 9 | 24:38 | 78%
holdenpnwStar 9 | 23:16 | 79%
shookieTeaMAS 8 | 19:59 | 64%
holdenpnwStar 8 | 18:57 | 65%
shookieTeaMAS 7 | 15:12 | 49%
holdenpnwStar 7 | 14:29 | 50%
shookieTeaBEAR! | 12:17 | 39%
shookieTeaMAS 6 | 11:46 | 38%
holdenpnwBear | 11:37 | 40%
holdenpnwStar 6 | 11:07 | 39%
shookieTeaMAS 5 | 09:38 | 31%
holdenpnwStar 5 | 09:06 | 32%
shookieTeaMAS 4 | 06:51 | 22%
holdenpnwStar 4 | 06:28 | 23%
shookieTeaMAS 3 | 04:39 | 15%
holdenpnwStar 3 | 04:24 | 15%
shookieTeaMAS 2 | 02:48 | 9%
holdenpnwStar 2 | 02:33 | 9%
shookieTeamake a star | 01:14 | 4%
holdenpnwStar 1 | 01:04 | 4%
holdenpnw split
Race has started
Countdown started!
shookieTea is ready
holdenpnw is ready
shookieTea has joined the race
holdenpnw has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1612 - game1t
1553 - holdenpnw
1544 - pimittens
Top Times This Month
PB - 22:381553+31Done

PB - 30:081446-31Done

Race leaderboards have been updated
Race statistics have been updated
Participant ratings have been updated
Everyone is done. The race is finished
shookieTea confirmed their time - 31:09
shookieTea finished the race - 31:09
holdenpnw confirmed their time - 29:07
holdenpnw finished the race - 29:07
shookieTeaMAS 9 | 24:38 | 78%
holdenpnwStar 9 | 23:16 | 79%
shookieTeaMAS 8 | 19:59 | 64%
holdenpnwStar 8 | 18:57 | 65%
shookieTeaMAS 7 | 15:12 | 49%
holdenpnwStar 7 | 14:29 | 50%
shookieTeaBEAR! | 12:17 | 39%
shookieTeaMAS 6 | 11:46 | 38%
holdenpnwBear | 11:37 | 40%
holdenpnwStar 6 | 11:07 | 39%
shookieTeaMAS 5 | 09:38 | 31%
holdenpnwStar 5 | 09:06 | 32%
shookieTeaMAS 4 | 06:51 | 22%
holdenpnwStar 4 | 06:28 | 23%
shookieTeaMAS 3 | 04:39 | 15%
holdenpnwStar 3 | 04:24 | 15%
shookieTeaMAS 2 | 02:48 | 9%
holdenpnwStar 2 | 02:33 | 9%
shookieTeamake a star | 01:14 | 4%
holdenpnwStar 1 | 01:04 | 4%
holdenpnw split
Race has started
Countdown started!
shookieTea is ready
holdenpnw is ready
shookieTea has joined the race
holdenpnw has joined the race
Race was created


Top Ratings
1612 - game1t
1553 - holdenpnw
1544 - pimittens
Top Times This Month